Quicklinks featured in Lextutor

Quicklinks users may well be already aware of Tom Cobb’s fantastic Lextutor site with its wide range of tools aimed at helping teachers and learners of English (with some features for other languages too. I’m a frequent user of the excellent Vocab profilers there and there are loads of other useful functions to discover.

One of these is ‘Corpus Grammar‘ which shows the approach outlined in Gaskell and Cobb (2004), a paper that was an inspiration for this project. As with Quicklinks, the idea is to provide learners with access to concordances to help them address issues in their writing – mostly these are grammatical issues such as the one shown below. In the screenshot you can see how the concordances listed below might help a learner who has written ask one of the girl if she can go with you to work out what is wrong and correct it (in the ‘Correction space’.

Tom has been good enough to provide a link to our 2018 open access paper there and a Quicklinks demo should be up soon. Hopefully this will help spread the word about DDL further.