a spread phenomenon

This entry was created in response to a student writing:

X is a spread phenomenon

The reusable link is https://ske.li/widespread_phenomenon and looks like this:


NB it may be worth pointing out that widespread itself appears somewhat more associated with negatively evaluated things; the reusable link which could be used to show this is https://ske.li/widespread_adj. It looks like this:


acute improvements

This entry was created in response to a student writing:

One of these methods, called post-activation potentiation (PAP) results in acute improvements in muscle power and performance in subsequent explosive activities

“Acute” does not seem to be the right adjective here. It may help to provide a concordance of possible adjectives that fit the meaning of the instance above, as in the reusable link https://ske.li/adj_improvements, which looks a bit like this:

Students might also benefit from investigating which adjectives commonly modify “improvement” through the link https://ske.li/adj_improvement_freq, which looks like this:

Created by Elena Mazzeri

grab the attention of

This link was created in response to a student writing:

this concept is just beginning to grab the attention of many educators and stakeholders

Grab is not usually found in concordance with attention in academic writing. The link https://ske.li/grab_the_attention provides a few alternative verbs with similar meanings:

Created by Elena Mazzeri