… quoted that

This link was created in response to the following:

Shulman (1989) quoted that teachers who were uncertain of their knowledge about grammar avoided teaching it. Their uncertainty also affected their style of instruction.

‘Quoted’ isn’t a possible verb here. It may help to provide a concordance of possible verbs such as the one at this link https://ske.li/verbed_that2, which looks a bit like this:


It is also possible to present quantitative information about typical verbs in this pattern in BAWE through this reusable link https://ske.li/verbed_thatfreq, which looks like this, and which could be used to encourage students to investigate further.


However, not all the verbs listed here fit the apparent meaning of the instance above; it’s hard to see how proposed would fit in here, for example. It might be better to present verbs that could actually be used here, as in the reusable link https://ske.li/found_that2, which looks like this:


An alternative way of presenting the lines would be by means of node form frequency summary, as in the reusable link https://ske.li/found_that2_nf, which looks like this:



as X concluded that

This link was created in response to an issue I come across quite frequently, exemplified here:

As Beyer (2004) concluded that critical reading strategies are not only to build critical thinking…

The reusable link is https://ske.li/as_x_pointsout and it looks like this:

It might be useful for students to know which verbs are most associated with this phrase. This can be seen via a collocation list of words following as X (year), which can be found here https://ske.li/asxsayscolls and which looks a bit like this: