accurate analysis of

This entry was created in response to a student writing:

an accurate analysis of …

The issue here is that adjectives describing analysis normally focus on how thorough it was rather than its accuracy. The reusable link is and looks like this:

It may also be helpful to focus on verbs which collocate with analysis in these contexts. The re-usable link is and it looks like this:


acute improvements

This entry was created in response to a student writing:

One of these methods, called post-activation potentiation (PAP) results in acute improvements in muscle power and performance in subsequent explosive activities

“Acute” does not seem to be the right adjective here. It may help to provide a concordance of possible adjectives that fit the meaning of the instance above, as in the reusable link, which looks a bit like this:

Students might also benefit from investigating which adjectives commonly modify “improvement” through the link, which looks like this:

Created by Elena Mazzeri

address/avoid the issue

This link was created in response to this:

it would be easier to end up with the issue

The re-usable link is and looks like this:

Of course, it is possible that this student meant the opposite, in which case this reusable link may help


Another way of raising the awareness of which verbs usually occur with issue and problem is to look at verb collocates. The reusable link is and it looks like this:

Quite often in with these verbs we find it is solve/address this problem/issue rather than the problem/issue. Thus, this link might also  be useful . It looks like this:

The corresponding collocation list (verbs before this problem/issue) can be found here It looks like this: